International Coastal Cleanup Day
ICC Day 2019 in Sabah
By UMS Borneo Marine Research Institute, Sutera Harbour Marina, University College Sabah Foundation, UiTM Kota Kinabalu, Reef Check Malaysia and also the local community
Every year in September, we coordinate the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day in Malaysia.
ICC is a global event that has been running for 35 years. Volunteers all around the world engage and encourage their communities to take action by removing trash from beaches or oceans, identifying the sources of the litter, and inspiring change in beating marine debris pollution.
ICC Day has become one of the main projects we run annually. It aligns with our goal of “No more beach clean-ups in 10 years”.
Kod Blue: Laut Needs You Event
'Kod Blue: Laut Needs You' is an awareness event for the International Coastal Cleanup Day in Malaysia by Reef Check Malaysia.
'Kod Blue: Laut Needs You' was chosen as 'code blue' in the medical field, which means an emergency.
Blue is also used to refer to the ocean. The latter part of the name indicates a wake-up call and call to action as the ocean needs our urgent help.
Kod Blue is a weekend of food market by the local community, beach cleanup and underwater cleanup (subject to reports), and an interactive education session!
Take a look at Kod Blue 2024
Organize ICC Day in Your Community
If you’d like to organise a beach cleanup in your community for the next ICC Day, drop us an email and share with us your idea or plan. We will share with you the resources needed and add you to our mailing list to keep you posted!
#ICCfromHome Guide
Learn simple steps you can take to start reducing waste from home at any time. If you’d like to encourage your community to take on these challenges, contact us so we can send you the resources for your activity!
Be part of our ICC community!
Join our ‘Malaysians Against Marine Debris’ Facebook page. It’s a platform to share the latest information about our battle against marine debris and a space to discuss or make plans for any future activities.
ICC Day over the years