Cintai Redang: January - March 2024

2024 marks the second year since RCM began working in Redang Island. Let’s look back and some of our achievements on the island in 2023:

  • 6 Redang Marine Conservation Group (RMCG) members received their Open Water Dive license

  • 5 RMCG members are now EcoDivers and are able to assist with Reef Check Surveys

  • RMCG EcoDivers successfully conducted Reef Check surveys and collected data from 18 survey sites around Redang Island

  • RMCG members successfully removed 90 Crown of Thorns starfish (COT), and also removed a whooping  274kg ghost nets from 8 locations around Redang Island

reef rehabilitation and bleaching monitoring

In January, our team on Redang Island returned to our reef rehabilitation sites for a monitoring activity. We were pleasantly surprised to see that our structures deployed in July 2023 have now become a settlement ground for new coral recruits. The coral fragments that were planted are also growing well. Our team conducts monitoring and maintenance every two months, to keep track of the growth and health of the transplanted corals.

In February, 5 members of the RMCG team began conducting the coral reef bleaching monitoring in two selected sites in Redang. Data collected contribute towards an understanding of the bleaching phenomenon, and will be used to help measure the health of the reefs around the waters of Redang Island.

New coral recruit on the rehabilitation structure

Coral reef bleaching monitoring


In February, our RMCG team and colleagues from Redang Island paid a visit to Tioman Island, to meet our RCM colleagues and Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG) team! The RMCG team spent four days on Tioman, learning and sharing experiences with the TMCG team on various marine conservation efforts and issues. They also had the opportunity to conduct marine biodiversity monitoring as well as visiting “Rumah Hijau” where all the recycling activities are conducted.

RCM has been working to send our colleagues on the ground from one location to another, in an effort to help them learn and understand each other’s work and gain necessary insights which will help them serve their community better.

Consultation sessions with stakeholders

In February, our representative from Cintai Redang were invited to attend the 4th consultation session with regards to the gazettement of Rhu Island in Besut. Those in attendance include various stakeholders, such as government agencies and operators who run tourism businesses on Rhu Island. During these sessions, issues raised in the previous session are addressed and questions are answered, all of which aim to address every aspect to ensure proper and sustainable management of Rhu Island.

A couple of weeks later, our Cintai Redang team, together with the Department of Fisheries (DoF) organised a consultation and discussion session with stakeholders from Redang Island, regarding the management plans of Pantai Teluk Dalam. The three-hour session was a fruitful one, with many responses from the local islanders on various steps that could be undertaken to ensure the smooth progress of this programme.

RCM Redang staff, Muhaimin (in white) during the Rhu Island consultation session

Consultation and discussion with islanders

Sabah Updates: January - March 2024

kota kinabalu

“wanis” at sabah (sustainable development goals) SDG Conference

In January, the ‘Pertubuhan Wanita Kampung Song-Song’ (WANIS) attended the Sabah Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit, where they presented their successful initiatives in empowering women within their village to enhance their quality of life. These efforts were acknowledged and appreciated by the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA), highlighting the organization's impactful contributions to sustainable development and women's empowerment in the region. WANIS has been actively empowering women of the village, equipping them with new skills that helps them with an alternative income, such as selling locally-made woven products (seen in the photo below).

WANIS representative, Kak Salina, at their booth for the Sabah SDG Conference

equipping stakeholders with new skills

In February, our colleagues from RCM conducted an Eco-Diver Training with the communities from Kg. Tajau Laut and Kg. Malubang, Kudat. Organized by Sabah Parks, this training aims to empower divers from the two villages to participate in reef conservation efforts and monitor the health of their marine ecosystems. We’ve conducted similar trainings for other local community members from other islands, and these representative were able to join us for activities such as reef rehabilitation and Reef Check surveys.

EcoDiver training with divers from the two villages

Besides the EcoDiver training, RCM also conducted a Coral Bleaching Monitoring Training with representatives from Sabah Parks as well as the Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI) from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. This training was held in response to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch Satellite Bleaching Alert. Sessions included a detailed look at bleaching as well as understanding of the coral bleaching watch protocol to consistently monitor affected coral reefs by the rising water temperature. Collaboration with organizations like Sabah Parks and the BMRI suggests a comprehensive approach involving research, conservation, and management of coral reef ecosystems in the region.



Mooring buoys to reduce anchor impact

In January, our colleagues in Semporna, together with representatives from Jeti Pelancong Semporna, the Semporna Professional Divers Association - SPDA, Semporna District Office, youth leaders from the Larapan Marine Conservation Groups, and Pulau Sipadan Resorts & Tours, deployed four mooring buoys in Timba-Timba Island.

These sites are famous tourist sites, who come over for snorkelling or diving. Recognising the possible damage caused by anchor impact, the installation was done promptly to solve the problem and to promote the use of mooring buoys in other sites too. Each of the buoys are able to accommodate 3 to 5 boats at a time, as they are supported by sinkers made from metal drums filled with cement.

Heavy duty rope to connect the metal drums and mooring buoy

Boats utilizing the mooring buoys instead of anchoring

reef rehabilitation demonstrating promising progress

Efforts to rehabilitate and restore reef areas in the waters of Semporna have been making quick strides, with the full support from the local communities. In Selakan Island, we deployed 215 reef stars in the second phase. To date, we’ve successfully deployed 500 reef stars with 7,575 coral fragments. Throughout this second phase, we had support and participation from 60 community members of Selakan Island, the Selakan Marine Conservation Group, Sabah Parks, and Reef Check Malaysia (RCM). At the end of the programme, we organised a closing and appreciation night for everyone who came together and played a part in the project.

Local islanders of every age group helping with the sand-coating activity

Meanwhile, on Kulapuan Island, we installed two types of rehabilitation structures with help from representatives from Larapan Marine Conservation Group and Pemimpin Belia IKLIM Mabul. Five coral collection tables with 1,170 coral cookies and 161 bottle frames, each with a coral fragment were successfully deployed.

Coral Collection Tables and Coral Cookies affixed on it

Coral fragments on the botte frames

Not too long after these two projects, we installed some structures in a new site in Larapan Island. In this new reef rehabilitation sites, our team deployed 168 bottle reefs and affixed around 600 coral fragments on coral rope nurseries. All this was completed within the span of two days, along with conducting regular maintenance on existing rehabilitation sites.

Coral rope nurseries affixed with coral fragments

Community engagement on waste management

RCM’s staff, Fauzi, recently conducted an engagement session with the community on Larapan Island. This was done to discuss as well as update the progress and challenges of the waste management program run on the island. The turnout was encouraging with almost 70 members of the community present, including the ‘Ketua Kampung’ and the local Field Coordinator for the waste management program.

Fauzi also shared the progress of the coral restoration project on the island. Ten of the participating houses in the waste management program were awarded with a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ for their full participation and compliance throughout 2023. We hope that this will encourage more households to actively participate in the program this year.

Mazni Jakarulla, the field coordinator, addressing the islanders


mantanani island

Education and Awareness Programmes

Along with all our conservation efforts with local communities, we’re also running continuous education programmes with the local schools on the islands we work on. In January, our colleague in Mantanani organised a snorkeling activity for 20 students and 3 teachers from SK Pulau Mantanani. During the activity, the students were able to see some coral reefs and marine life. These sightings were brought up during the review session at the end of the activity, where a brief background on coral reef ecosystem was also discussed.

As a follow up to the snorkeling activity, we had a classroom session on “The Ocean and Its Importances” with 45 students from Year 4-6 of SK Pulau Mantanani. During the session, we highlighted the importance of the ocean, the threats it faces and what we can do to help protect the ocean.

Snorkeling activity with the students

Our colleague, Diana, conducting the classroom session

waste management continues to receive support

Since its introduction about 3 years ago, the local islanders of Mantanani have been exposed to waste management and its benefits. Recently, our colleague on the island organised a community engagement session focusing on waste management, attended by close to 100 islanders. We discussed the challenges faced by the efforts, and also updated them regarding the current status and progress of the waste management programme. We also took the opportunity to award 80 households with a “Certificate of Excellence” for their full participation and compliance with the programme throughout 2023.

In an effort to extend the programme, our local waste management team on the island embarked on a trial to compost daily collected waste. On the first day of the trial, the team successfully processed more than 80kg of food waste which will be composted. This extension was tested in a bid to reduce the amount of food waste that is collected by the local team every day. We hope that in the near future, composting will be a regular activity adopted by the local community.

One of the households who received the certificate of excellence

Trial composting activity

Cintai Mersing: January - March 2024

Mooring buoys to protect reefs

We have successfully installed an additional eight mooring buoys at various snorkeling sites in Mersing islands’ which includes Pulau Harimau, Pulau Tengah and Pulau Besar. This activity was conducted in collaboration with Mersing District Council, local island community, and boat operators. The installation of mooring buoys offers a more environmentally friendly alternative as compared to the usage of anchors which can be damaging to marine habitats such as coral reefs, seagrass beds and other underwater ecosystems. Additionally, the mooring buoys also help to facilitate safe boat operations and island-hopping activities around coral reef areas on these islands.

Boat operators using one of the newly installed mooring buoys

school break happenings

During the recent February school holidays, we held an awareness programme in collaboration with the Mersing District Council, attended by 20 local youths and community members from Mersing. The programme began with a beach cleanup at Mersing town beach, where 60kg of marine debris was gathered and sorted.

Furthermore, a microplastic demonstration was conducted by sieving the beach sand to observe the presence of microplastic. Participants also embarked on an educational tour to explore the marine ecosystem of Pulau Mawar. Alongside learning about mangroves ecosystem and coastal environment, participants gained insights into the geological formation of the area and its contribution to the diverse marine ecosystems found in Mersing.

Participants collecting debris along the Mersing town beach

success and expansion of recycling programme

The recycling programme in Pulau Tinggi has successfully collected over 100kg of recyclable materials, including plastic bottles, metal and aluminum tins, and glass bottles. Since its inception in August 2023, the programme has received overwhelming support and participation from the islanders, as well as tourism operators who have expressed interest to collaborate in this initiative.

This year, we plan to extend the recycling programme to Pulau Aur and Pemanggil. We hope that by sharing the outcomes and progress achieved through the recycling programmes in Pulau Sibu and Pulau Tinggi with other island communities, the initiatives will also be accepted across the Mersing islands.

Young islanders eager to help with the collection of recyclables

Three different bins for recyclables in Pulau Tinggi

Cintai Tioman: January - March 2024

The battle against ghost nets

Ghost nets are a serious threat to marine life such as turtles, fish, crabs and even dolphins, as it can cause death due to entanglement. Tioman Island has seen a fair share of these nets in the last few years. In the first quarter of 2024, there was a slight decrease in the number of complaints of ghost nets around the waters of Tioman. However, our Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG) was still able to remove ghost nets weighing a total of 1,215kg from four locations across the island.

We’re fortunate to continuously have the support of the Tioman community in these cleanup efforts, including Alam Flora, SCUBA diving centre operators, and a few representatives of the local community.

Having spent much time handling these nets, our Tioman team recently published a paper in the “Palawan Scientist” on the incidence of ghost nets. You can also find the paper on our website, under the “Tioman Island” section. 

Working together to remove ghost nets

Coral bleaching monitoring activity

Based on our records from 2023, some bleaching was observed in a few shallow coral reef areas in Tioman waters. Reef Check Malaysia (RCM) together with the TMCG has started monitoring for coral bleaching regularly this year. Unfortunately, the results of the current monitoring found that some coral colonies have died due to bleaching. It is to be noted that the resilience of coral reefs is affected both by natural and local threats, which then affects the survival rate of corals. Minimising local threats would help increase the resilience of coral reefs, which helps them better withstand natural impacts such as global warming and bleaching episodes.

RCM and TMCG members conducting a bleaching survey

One of the steps in the bleaching survey

digging in for microplastics

Microplastics are one of the biggest challenges facing out oceans today. But what exactly are microplastics? They are basically fine pieces of plastic that are less than five (5) millimeters long, and are almost invisible to the naked eye. Their tiny size should not be taken lightly, as microplastic waste has been found almost everywhere across the globe. They have adverse effects on marine life and human health, especially once they enter the food web.

Our TMCG team recently began conducting microplastic sampling, together with SC Johnson, who are funding these efforts. A total of 75 samples were collected from three locations around Tioman. This is the first microplastic project RCM has embarked on, and we will be sharing more about the results and progress of this new project soon.

Collection of samples during the microplastic sampling

“asean green hotel” standards adaptation

Our team on Tioman has been working to encourage resort operators on the island to conduct their business in an environmentally friendly manner. For a few years running, we have been conducting assessments for the resorts on Tioman, adopting the criteria set by the ASEAN Green Hotel Standards. This adaptation was done to evaluate and recognise resorts that successfully achieve the ASEAN Tourism Standards set by the Malaysian Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MoTAC). In the first quarter of 2024, we evaluated 53 resorts in three villages, and 10 of them have been recognised as “Green Hotels”, due to their continuous efforts in ensuring environmental sustainability.

education and awareness activities

Our Tioman colleagues have conducted 6 school educational programmes with SK Tekek and SK Juara up to March 2024. Aside from a classroom session on the “Importance of Coral Reefs”, the students also had an opportunity to row kayaks in the mangrove swamp of Juara Village. During this trip, they were introduced to the mangrove ecosystem, its features as well as its importance.

We also organised a trip to the Marina in Tekek Village, where the students had the opportunity to conduct fish species identification using a ID book. We believe that the younger generation will learn and remember much more through hands-on experience, which will eventually instill a sense of awareness and ownership over the precious ecosystems that are in their own island.

Educational tour in the mangrove swamp in Juara Village

tmcg gaining new skills

Our TMCG members are continuously improving themselves, through new skills or theory trainings. Recently, all the members attended an online training: “Coral and Climate Adaptations Planning – Design Tools”. During this session, the participants were exposed to issues related to climate change, and how to manage these climate issues that may affect different aspects of the marine management plans for their own island.

Community Engagement for Plastic-Free Kuala Lumpur and Beyond

Author: Chook Jia Wei and Arockia E J Ferdin

Plastic waste mismanagement at Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 📸 credit: Chook Jia Wei

Plastics and us

Plastic is not just around us; it's in our bodies, the food we eat, and the water we drink. Managing plastic waste properly can help reduce its negative impacts on every form of life on Earth. Did you know that each person in Malaysia uses about 16 kilograms of plastic packaging every year? That’s the highest rate in Southeast Asia.

Globally, Malaysia is ranked eighth in plastic waste mismanagement, contributing significantly to marine pollution. Our policies haven’t been strong enough, and our recycling systems need improvement. Practices such as open dumping, littering, and open burning are common due to the government's challenges in managing plastic waste on a large scale.

Plastic pollution pose a serious threat to our health and the health of our environment.

Yet, there's hope, as local NGOs and communities are becoming increasingly aware of the issues associated with plastics.

For example, residential associations in Petaling Jaya and Damansara have taken initiatives into their own hands by setting up recycling stations in their neighbourhoods. They've also organised workshops to repurpose plastics within their community.

plastic waste management and the locals

As a resident of Kuala Lumpur, I’ve witnessed the challenges we face with plastic waste management. I have been practising a zero-waste lifestyle for years and often educate my family and friends about the concept, encouraging them to refuse plastics in the first place. During my master’s studies in Taiwan, I realised that public support is crucial in shaping policies to beat plastic pollution. Policies without understanding community preferences are likely to fail in achieving their intended goals.

Communities play a vital role in plastic waste management in Malaysia. I was motivated to understand which management strategies communities prefer to assist policymakers in managing plastic waste, hoping that it will contribute to Malaysia’s goal of achieving zero single-use plastics by 2030.

Our study explored Kuala Lumpur residents' preferences for plastic waste management. We found that:

  • 83% do not separate waste at home.

  • 78% are not satisfied with the way contractors manage plastic waste.

  • 64% do not agree with the current education system regarding plastic waste management.

The local communities have not been given opportunities and facilities to separate waste at home, which is very similar to other Southeast Asian countries. This indicates that our respondents were clearly not satisfied with the way contractors handle waste in Malaysia. One significant point of dissatisfaction is the effectiveness of education in plastic waste management. This suggests that the exam-oriented Malaysian education system is not prioritising environmental education to empower the next generation.

the study on plastic waste management

We identified one group, likely to be comprised of individuals of Chinese ethnicity, who favoured zero-waste lifestyle workshops, collaborations between residential associations, and involving residential associations and plastic recycling companies for campaign collaboration. They also support banning single-use plastics at academic institutions, religious centres, and governmental agencies. Another group favoured a ban on single-use plastics in local markets and restaurants.

Together, our findings inform local communities’ preferences and public perceptions that assist policymakers in designing effective policies that garner public support. As Malaysia is a multicultural country, identifying these preferences is crucial for targeting communities for effective plastic waste management supported by the local communities.

Plastics are among the highest amount of trash collected during the International Coastal Cleanup Day (ICC) in Terengganu in 2023.

Arockia E J Ferdin, one of the lead authors of this paper, suggests that local communities, especially the younger generation, need to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle. This approach is key to learning, leading, and educating the elderly and local communities to embrace the zero-waste lifestyle, thereby raising awareness about the impacts of plastic pollution.

Our study provides policy recommendations that include:

  1. Encouraging residential associations to create plastic-free backyards.

  2. Organising workshops about waste separation at the local level.

  3. Making recycling more accessible for the public by providing essential infrastructure.

  4. Designing and promoting waste separation guidelines in English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil languages to reach a broader range of households.

  5. Developing a plastic waste management plan for Kuala Lumpur.

While the urbanisation of Kuala Lumpur provides opportunities for people to move in and work, changes in consumption behaviour and urban lifestyle pose additional challenges for the local government in handling plastic waste. Can the city of Kuala Lumpur overcome these challenges and become a role model for other capital cities in Southeast Asia?

Our study offers comprehensive insights into plastic waste management rooted in locals' preferences that could assist local government authorities and policymakers in effectively designing and implementing plastic waste management strategies. However, we believe every individual plays a crucial role in eliminating plastic pollution from our lives and the environment.

For further reading, please refer to the readable link:

Article link: Chook, J.W., Ferdin, A.E.J. & Lee, CH. Unmasking Malaysian preferences for effective plastic waste management: a choice experiment approach. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag 26, 512–528 (2024).

For more information, you may contact the authors: Chook Jia Wei ( and Arockia E J Ferdin (


The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy, position, opinions or views of Reef Check Malaysia. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.

Paying The Price of Biodiversity

So pretty much everyone agrees: we need to conserve biodiversity

Everybody is talking about biodiversity and the need to conserve it.

But who is going to pay???

The Sustainable Development Goals talk about it; the Malaysian National Policy on Biological Diversity is all about it…as is the recently signed Global Biodiversity Framework. So pretty much everyone agrees: we need to conserve biodiversity.

We seem to understand how. But the question no one can answer yet is: who is going to pay for it?

 The History of Paying for BiodiversityIn 2021, the British Government published what has become one of the most authoritative reports on the topic of the economics of biodiversity – the Dasgputa Review. The Foreword starts with the following passage:

We are facing a global crisis. We are totally dependent upon the natural world. It supplies us with every oxygen-laden breath we take and every mouthful of food we eat. But we are currently damaging it so profoundly that many of its natural systems are now on the verge of breakdown.

I mean, how much more do we need to know?

The full report is over 600 pages long. Fortunately there is a summary of the headline messages, which says, essentially, that our current use of biodiversity is unsustainable and it is endangering the prosperity of both current and future generations.

Pretty apocalyptic…but it does provide some pointers as to what we need to change: reduce demands on nature, recalibrate our measures of economic success, and transform institutions and systems.

The review talks about finance, saying that: “Financial flows devoted to enhancing our natural assets are small and are dwarfed by subsidies and other financial flows that harm these assets.”

Bit silly, that – spending more money hurting our best interests than on looking after them!

How Much Does Biodiversity Cost?

In a report entitled “Financing Nature: closing the Global Biodiversity Financing Gap” the authors state the following (see Executive Summary):

The gap between the amount currently spent on biodiversity conservation and what is needed is large, but it can be closed. As of 2019, current spending on biodiversity conservation is between $124 and $143 billion per year, against a total estimated biodiversity protection need of between $722 and $967 billion per year. This leaves a current biodiversity financing gap of between US$ 598 billion and US$ 824 billion per year.

Of course, that’s a ridiculous amount of money. Who can envisage that sort of sum?

What about Malaysia?

Bear with me while I do a silly sum:

Malaysian population (approx. 33 million)  /  global population (approx. 8 billion) = 0.41%

So, Malaysia accounts for about 0.41% of the world population.

Let’s say the biodiversity funding gap is somewhere in the mid-range, around U$ 700 billion per year.

If Malaysia were to invest the same proportion of its population on this gap then Malaysia needs to spend around US$ 290 million per year on biodiversity conservation. That’s about 78% of Malaysia’s GDP (2021: US $ 373 billion).

So where is the money coming from?

You can kind of see why people have trouble taking it seriously. Roads? Schools? Hospitals? No, let’s go plant some trees!

Ok, that’s kind of cynical, but my point is this: the scale of the challenge is intimidating.

If we are to protect the very biodiversity that we depend upon for food, oxygen, water, etc., then we are going to have to change our ways – or, believe, our ways are going to be changed for us – by nature.

Our Cintai Tioman team explored the mangrove with the next-generation ocean warriors' of Tioman Island.

I’m no expert on this stuff, but you don’t have to read too far before you come across some obvious issues: subsidies on fossil fuels; poor public transport…I won’t go on.

Sustainable funding for conservation

The good news (finally!) is that we can see some opportunities. The newly emerging financial solutions called “nature-based solutions” show great promise.

Ok, the carbon credit scene is a bit untidy, and there are questions about standards. But if we could arrange similar – better designed and regulated – systems for biodiversity conservation, then we might be able to create some sustainable funding opportunities.

As Rico, my economics guru, likes to say: “businesses don’t pay for externalities”. That’s things like the impacts of climate change on remote islands, washing away houses... Perhaps carbon or biodiversity credits will force businesses to do so – creating the cash flow we need for nature protection.

Seagrass Watch said seagrass can absorb 35 times faster than rainforests

One point you don’t hear very often alongside these scary figures: NOT making those investments will actually cost a lot more. Worth remembering.

An opportunity – and a challenge

If this creates an opportunity in Malaysia, it also creates a challenge: the way marine resources are managed in Malaysia will need to be transformed.

The “custodians” of marine biodiversity are, in effect, State governments, because most marine resources (mangroves, seagrasses, coral reefs, etc.) are in coastal areas – so effectively, they are on State land. And under the constitution, land is a state matter. But currently, State governments do not have much of a role in managing these ecosystems.

That’s going to have to change, and that’s why RCM is putting increasing effort into working with State governments to engage them in this important conversation.

Let’s see how that works out.

Building Resilience for Long Term Reef Health

Resilience? Again?

Yes, those of you who have read my posts before will notice that I have talked about resilience before (here and here). So why am I speaking about it again?

Because I believe that ensuring our reefs – and other marine ecosystems – are resilient is critical to protecting their long-term health and productivity.

And our recently released annual survey report suggests that we are not paying sufficient attention to looking after these important marine resources.

It becomes imperative as signs are showing that there will be a significant mass coral bleaching event sooner than you think.

What is Coral reef resilience?

A brief recap. Ecological resilience refers to the ability of an ecosystem (such as a coral reef) to maintain key functions and processes in the face of external stresses or pressures, by resisting or adapting to change.

Glad we got that sorted out! Put more simply – it determines whether an ecosystem can either shrug off or recover from, an external stressor…or whether the ecosystem declines.

Status of Coral Reef in Malaysia

Reef Check Malaysia’s early survey data for Malaysia demonstrate the resilience of coral reefs. The graph below shows the change in a key reef health indicator, Live Coral Cover (LCC), since we started collecting data.

The status of reef health in Malaysia from 2007 - 2023.

What is coral bleaching?

In 2010, Malaysia (and most of South-East Asia) suffered a major coral bleaching event. Coral bleaching refers to a stress reaction by corals when they expel the tiny algae living in their tissues. Those algae provide the coral with its colour, hence the term “bleached” when they lose the algae, exposing the white calcium carbonate skeleton underneath.

A coral bleached loses its colour.

More importantly, those algae provide the coral with most of its food – so when bleached, they are effectively on a starvation diet. The longer the stressor lasts, the weaker the coral and the greater the possibility that corals will die.

In 2010-2011, our survey data show a major decline in live coral cover (LCC) in Malaysia compared to 2009. Around 7-8% of coral cover was lost. That’s not to say that 7 or 8% of reefs died – other reef components survived. However, the ecosystem as a whole was weakened as a result of hard coral dying due to the bleaching.

Fortunately, reefs recovered very quickly, and LCC was back to its pre-bleaching level within 2-3 years. This demonstrates the natural resilience of reefs – they can recover from an external stressor.

the decline in live coral cover

Sadly, the following years saw a gradual decline in LCC, which we take as a proxy for coral reef health. Between about 2014 and 2019, overall LCC in Malaysia dropped from around 50% to 43%.

The annual decline was too small to garner much attention. But look at it this way: a reduction of seven percentage points over just 5 years is a 14% decline overall. I’m too scared to extrapolate that into the future…

The declining status of reef health in Malaysia from 2014-2019.

We assumed that this decline was at least partly due to growth in tourism globally, as the world slowly emerged from the 2008 financial crash (yes, it took that long!).

We have long been aware of tourism as a major threat to marine ecosystems such as coral reefs due to the wide range of impacts – coastal development, trash, pollution, and physical impacts – that result from large numbers of people in a small place. Again the question: are we managing these ecosystems effectively?

The COVID years

What happened next is a sign that not all is lost – but it also points to the need to manage reefs better, particularly focusing on resilience. And to look again at tourism impacts.

Between 2019 and 2022, there was an increase in LCC. Why? We believe that this was because of the COVID pandemic, which reduced tourism to nearly zero for two years. Remember – there are three main characteristics of resilience:

  • Water quality

  • Physical impacts

  • Herbivores

It doesn’t take much insight to realise that no tourists are going to reduce physical impacts, for sure. And probably see an improvement in water quality – less pollution. Restrictions on fishing during the pandemic might also have improved fish populations, particularly the herbivores that keep algae under control.

There are three main characteristics of resilience water quality, physical impacts, herbivores

So, why coral reef resilience again?

Yes, reefs recovered in the absence of a major local stressor – tourism. But why am I back to resilience?

Because in 2023, our surveys showed another downturn in LCC. We think this is at least partly due to the resurgence in tourism, having the same old negative impacts on reefs.

The old stressors are back, leaving reefs that little bit more vulnerable to an external stressor…

coral Bleaching in 2024?

…an external stressor that we are pretty sure is just around the corner.

All the signs are that there will be a significant mass coral bleaching event this year.

what is mass coral bleaching?

“Mass coral bleaching” means bleaching over a wide area – this will not just affect Malaysia, but as in 2010 it is likely to affect the whole of South East Asia. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is already bleaching and satellite data from NOAA show sea surface temperatures around the region are rising.

As noted above, this is a significant stressor for corals. My colleagues are informing me that sea temperatures are already 2-3°C higher than usual.

That’s pretty scary. And, forecasts from NOAA show that over the next few weeks, temperatures will remain elevated for an extended period. Perhaps enough to cause coral mortality.

A screenshot of NOAA's prediction for March-July 2024

So, it seems our coral reefs – which, let’s not forget, provide a whole range of essential ecosystem services that we rely on – are facing a difficult few months.

What can we do to stop mass coral bleaching?

Unfortunately, there is very little we can do once a bleaching event is happening – we can’t magically improve water quality; it is difficult to replace herbivore fish real quick…and telling tourists not to turn up is obviously a non-starter!

But we can – and should – try to minimise these impacts; at the least, we can protect important reef sites by closing access to tourists – which was done back in 2010.

But the real lesson here, as mentioned in our annual report recommendations, is that we need a long-term effort to build resilience – because this is going to happen again.

What we need is…

  • We need to restructure marine resource management across the board so that management involves all stakeholders. Only that way will people buy-in to the necessary solutions.

  • We need better sewage treatment systems on the islands.

  • We need to control fishing properly.

  • We need to manage new developments in sensitive areas.

  • We need more education and awareness for tourists. That’s going to take a multi-stakeholder effort.

Coral maintenance with the Kulapuan Marine Conservation Group.

The 2010 bleaching event was difficult to manage because it was unexpected. This time we have some warning, and we might be able to manage the immediate threats more effectively.

But the real story is – are we, as a society, going to do what is necessary to build resilience in the long term? Are we all going to address ways in which we can strengthen marine resource management? Are we all going to make the necessary investments to allow us to protect and conserve these important marine ecosystems?

We need to restructure marine resource management across the board so that management involves all stakeholders. Only that way will people buy-in to the necessary solutions. We need better sewage treatment systems on the islands; we need to control fishing properly; we need to manage new developments in sensitive areas; and we need more education and awareness for tourists. That’s going to take a multi-stakeholder effort.

And while you are here - here is our 2023 annual corporate report for your reading pleasure!!

How Resilient is Malaysia’s Tourism Model?

Happy Global Tourism Resilience Day!

Tourism is in the news again. It’s Global Tourism Resilience Day on Saturday (more below), which is a nice juxtaposition to recent local happenings.

Just a few days ago (11th February), the Malay Mail carried an article with the headline, “Tourism Malaysia confident of achieving the target of 27.3 million foreign tourist arrivals in 2024, says DG”.

I think we’ve had this discussion before!!

Sustainable tourism can contribute to the three dimensions of sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs.

The problem with that number of tourists

First, we need to look very carefully at those numbers. There’s no question that COVID  had a huge impact on tourism numbers – goes without saying. But even pre-COVID, I would argue that the numbers just didn’t add up, and I suspect they still don’t.

Digging around the topic, I found an article in The Star on 3rd December 2023 which quoted visitor numbers for 2023. Of a total of 26 million tourist arrivals to Malaysia from January 1st to November 15th, “the most number of tourists were from Singapore at 12.6 million”.

So, here’s a simple fact-check for you.

Divide that figure by 365 and then 24, and you have 1,438 people arriving from Singapore every hour of every day last year. If they are tourists and arriving from Singapore via JB, that would require 36 forty-seater buses leaving JB every hour…about one every 2 minutes. I’ve travelled from Singapore to Malaysia, and it can get busy…but not THAT busy!

are they all tourists?

Ok, there are a couple of assumptions in there, but you get my drift. The point is: are they all tourists? And if not…how many actually ARE tourists, and how many are crossing the border – either way – to work?

This has great importance for the tourism industry, because if we are planning for 26 million but only getting (say) half of that, then –

  1. our tourists are worth twice as much as we thought they were, yet we run the risk of not meeting the expectations of people who are actually spending more than we realise; but on the other hand

  2. we are building infrastructure for twice as many people as are coming, with all the impacts that has!

This leads to a second and more important point: with all the emphasis on the numbers of tourists, rather than the economic value they generate, I fear we are missing out on some critical questions.

Such as: what do tourists want?

There are plenty of surveys about tourism trends – and many of them say that people are looking for less crowded, more “authentic” experiences. And yet, we are hearing already about crowding at some destinations.

Such as: what impact does tourism have on communities and ecosystems?

Mass tourists create crowded streets in KL – and crowded beaches on the islands. More waste; more physical impacts. To what extent can the islands and their ecosystems withstand this constant onslaught?

Our waste management programme on Mantanani Island was started to tackle the lack of waste management on the island.

Such as: who is tourism for?

Did anyone ask the people living in those tourist attractions, such as the islands off the East Coast, what they want from tourism? Do the people of Tioman want new resorts? Do the people of Perhentian want a seaplane facility? Do the people of Semporna want hundreds of tourists flocking through the town to visit – fleetingly – the islands?

Villagers of Kampung Paya, Tioman Island, celebrated the success of the ‘No New Tioman Airport’ campaign.

Such as: what’s the cost-benefit analysis?

Is our tourism model economically worthwhile, or is it just creating lots of money for big businesses…but low-level jobs for local communities? What different models are available, and should we be looking at investing in  high-end, eco- and sustainable tourism models? After all – Malaysia is a mega-biodiverse country; maybe people will pay handsomely to come and see those attractions…but in small groups, of course!!

The Green Fins standard for dive shops is an example of a sustainable tourism module.

who is in charge of tourism?

And finally – who is in charge?

Who is monitoring the numbers of tourists visiting fragile ecosystems, who is assessing the changes that result – to both ecosystems AND communities; and who is asking – how many is enough?

At the end of the day, all I’m saying is this – and I know I’ve said it before but I think it bears repeating: whatever tourism model Malaysia decides to adopt, let’s do it with eyes open and an understanding of the positive AND negative influences of tourism.

If we want to adopt a “mass-tourism” model, let’s be honest about the impact that is going to have – that way, we can at least mitigate some of the negative impacts.

what does tourism resilience mean?

And ironically – this Saturday, 17th February, is Global Tourism Resilience Day.

Given that tourism is an important piece of the economy in Malaysia, and given its documented impacts on “people and place” – host communities and the ecosystems they live in – I was interested to read about what resilient tourism is and why it is important.

For many countries, tourism is a major source of income, foreign currency earnings, tax revenue and employment. Because tourism connects people with nature, sustainable tourism can spur environmental responsibility. Sustainable tourism can contribute to the three dimensions of sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs.

Global Tourism Resilience Day (17 February), proclaimed by the UN General Assembly, aims to emphasize the need to foster resilient tourism development. In this way, tourism – and the benefits it brings – can be insulated from shocks and emergencies, allowing it to recover more quickly.

We just had a bit of a shock.

As Malaysia’s tourism is fast recovering, should we be asking whether it is resilient? Are we planning to build back better, and develop a tourism industry that is sympathetic to people and place? Or will it be more of a business-as-usual approach, with all the attendant challenges that brings?

Reef Check Malaysia Welcoming 2024

Our vision remains the same: sustainably managed coral reefs in Malaysia.

If 2023 ended with a flurry of activity, 2024 has started with a bang!

Some years come to a quiet end as programmes are put on hold during the monsoon season. Not so 2023!

All our teams, in their various locations, continued to be busy right to the end of the year. Ground-truthing surveys for a new remote sensing system in Semporna; capacity building for the new Redang Marine Conservation Group (RMCG); and seagrass monitoring in Johor – all continued well after the end of the usual “season” marked by the onset of the Northeast monsoon in October.

Seagrass monitoring in the South of Johor

2023 saw continued progress in our various long-term conservation efforts. Our main focus is to replicate the success of the Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG), and we are working to build up similar teams in Redang, Perhentian, Mersing and Semporna.

In each location, we are building capacity among local communities to participate in conservation programmes, including reef monitoring, predator control and reef rehabilitation. These efforts align strongly with the Global Biodiversity Framework, particularly targets 3, 19 and 22, which provides us with a roadmap to ensure our work remains relevant and impactful.

Redang Marine Conservation Group (RMCG) doing coral rehabilitation

 Target 3, the so-called “30x30 target”, calls for 30% of marine areas to be protected by 2030. The Department of Fisheries is investigating opportunities to expand Marine Protected Areas in Peninsular Malaysia, and Sabah Parks and Sarawak Forestry Corporation are making similar efforts in those two states.

But there is a “second half” to target 3, which refers to the need to ensure protected areas are “effectively conserved and managed” through “equitably governed” systems that ensure the rights of local communities are protected. Similarly, target 22 calls for the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the management of protected areas.

Taken together, we interpret these two targets to indicate that local communities should take a more central role in managing Marine Parks, and our various community-based conservation programmes are very much in line with this aspiration. Our biggest challenge is ensuring sufficient capacity among local communities to empower them to fulfil this role effectively.

The newly established Larapan Marine Conservation Group wastes no time in restoring coral reefs

Closely related to this is the second challenge we face, which is the need to transform the current approach to management to ensure that local communities – and other key stakeholders – are provided with opportunities to play a meaningful role in management through appropriate bodies.

Community consultations on management of Tioman Island Marine Park

The current management system is very “top-down”; we are trying to encourage a more flexible and inclusive approach that will meet the needs of targets 3 and 23. This could involve new approaches to management and new institutions – and should include all stakeholders, such as State governments and tourism players.

Ensuring we have sufficient funds to continue our work is always a challenge! We have been incredibly lucky to have the support of a number of large organisations in Malaysia over the years – in one case, for 10 years!

GBF target 19 could help with this. The target calls for an increase in financial resources to protect biodiversity, and we can already see early signs that international funding agencies are showing interest in investing in biodiversity conservation in Malaysia. This includes both philanthropic funding from corporations and foundations, but also the emerging field of nature-based solutions that will leverage funding through carbon and, more exciting, biodiversity credits. It’s a very new field, but we are working to understand how we might benefit from these new approaches to funding biodiversity conservation.


This fits well with our growing understanding that we can’t look at individual ecosystems in isolation. Coral reefs are just one marine ecosystem that needs to be conserved; but reefs are ecologically very closely linked to mangroves and seagrasses, the health of one affecting the health of the others. So, we are increasingly taking a more holistic view of marine resource management to include these other ecosystems in our conservation programmes.

And now we enter 2024 firing on all cylinders. Our vision remains the same: sustainably managed coral reefs in Malaysia. This year, we hope to make further progress on integrating communities into management and developing sustainable funding for long-term conservation.

We are looking forward to 2024 with quite some anticipation; join us on our journey!

As always, I would like to thank our various supporters, from funders to volunteers. We would not be able to achieve the conservation results we are seeing without a lot of support; you are what makes RCM the success it has become.

Cintai Redang: October - December 2023

Our colleagues on Redang recently signed an MoU with SK Redang in October 2023. This marks the start of a collaboration between us and the school. We also had the opportunity to meet some of the students, who were eager to find out about our activities. The school allowed us to display five educational posters at the school to kickstart this project. We expect to begin actively conducting educational programmes in the school in 2024.

RCM colleagues (both on the right) with teacher of SK Redang after signing the MoU

Students excitedly checking out the posters

As we are eager to expand the Green Fins programme to Redang Island, our colleagues conducted assessments at a few registered SCUBA Diving shops on the island. The Green Fins membership is free, and the assessment will help ensure the dive shops adhere to the 15 Point Code of Conduct and carry out their dive or snorkel operations in an environmentally-friendly manner. More information on Green Fins can be found at

A briefing done during the Green Fins assessment

Owners and staff of the dive shops attending a Green Fins meeting with RCM

To further our efforts in reef conservation in Redang, RCM partnered with Laguna Resort Redang and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), under the Reef Care programme. As Reef Care partners, the resort and UMT recently conducted reef rehabilitation efforts on the island. Our Redang Marine Conservation Group (RMCG) also participated in this effort, as it enabled them to gain knowledge and master the skills related to rehabilitation of reefs.

Reef rehabilitation briefing with UMT

Collection of coral nubbins for reef rehabilitation activities

At the end of October, our Cintai Redang colleagues attended participatory management session together with ‘Majlis Pengurusan Taman Negeri Terengganu’, with regards to the gazettement of Pulau Rhu as a State Park. The meeting, held at the Pejabat Daerah Besut was conducted to discuss the feedback and next steps to be taken by the respective parties and stakeholders, as well as address any other matters regarding this project. More meetings will be held in the future, to ensure the gazettement process runs smoothly. In mid-November, RCM and RMCG representatives met with ‘Majlis Pengurusan Taman Negeri Terengganu’ once again. This discussion focused on sharing of opinion regarding the management plan that can be implemented. This plan will help increase the focus of the state government towards protecting the environment in Terengganu.

Discussion for gazettement of Pulau Rhu

Management plan meeting with Majlis Pengurusan Taman Negeri Terengganu

Our RMCG team has busied themselves this last quarter. Upon receiving reports of ghost nets stuck to reefs at a dive site, the team worked together to remove the nets, which also had some crabs entangled to it too. The ghost nets, weighing 40kg was successfully removed and handed over to the Department of Fisheries to be disposed. They have also been conducting regular, scheduled monitoring, maintenance and data collection of coral growth at the reef rehabilitation sites. At the end of the year, the RMCG team, together with some local youths, attended a short course conducted by our RCM colleague on Redang. They were exposed to topics that covered coral reef ecology, Crown of Thorns starfish (COTs), coral reef restoration, coral bleaching and ghost nets.

RMCG members working together to remove the ghost net

Growth of corals at the reef rehabilitation site

RCM colleague, Asma, conducting the learning course

Some of the participants of the short learning course

East Malaysia Happenings: October - December 2023


Our “Homestays Improvement Program” that we began in Mantanani has been progressing rather well. After several training sessions with the local homestay owners, they were equipped with better skills to run their business. The two-year project called “Establishing Community-Based Eco-Tourism in Mantanani”, funded by GEF SGP UNDP Malaysia, ended in 2022. Since then, the businesses have been running and generating quite good income for the local owners. The total income in 2023 alone was close to RM60,000, which is almost three times more than the income in 2021! The total number of tourists who used the homestays also increased from 124 people in 2021, to 425 people in 2022, to 665 in 2023!

Group photo with homestay guests

In mid-November, 60 bundles of compressed plastic (22,039 bottles) weighing 407 kg and metal cans weighing 110 kg, were sent to the mainland and collected by recycling company (GNC). The company paid RM 177.10 for these recyclables and this money was used to cover the cost of truck transportation from Kota Kinabalu, which was RM150. This did not include the cost of RM1,000 to rent a boat to transport these items to the mainland.

RCM staff, Diana, collecting the bottles on a weekly basis

Bottles collected are compressed before being sent to the mainland

As for the waste management programme, more than 1,800 kg of trash collected in the last three months of 2023 was transported out of the island to the Kayu Madang landfill area.  We’re still facing the problem of costs with regards to our effort in transporting recyclables and other waste. If you have any suggestion on how we could manage it in a more cost-efficient manner, do get in touch with us!

Trash being sent out of the island to Kayu Madang landfill


In October, the Sabah Conference on Community-Based Marine Resource Management, was held in Sandakan. It was co-hosted by the Sabah Forestry Department in collaboration with WWF-Malaysia, Forever Sabah, PACOS Trust and RCM. There was a good turnout at this conference, including  representatives from Sabah Parks, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, Sabah Biodiversity Centre and other relevant government agencies, as well as representatives from local coastal and island communities, besides our RCM colleagues. The purpose of the event was to streamline efforts in expanding the protection of Sabah’s marine environment. A mapping exercise during the conference also revealed that there are 17 coastal community groups in Sabah that are protecting more than 12K hectares of marine and coastal areas. Fauzi represented RCM to deliver a presentation on “Building Resilience through Empowering Local Community”. 

Fauzi sharing about local community empowerment in Semporna

RCM staff with some of the representatives from the local and island community

In November, RCM and WWF-Malaysia conducted the annual Reef Check surveys, in 18 sites around Tun Mustapha Park. Besides our RCM colleagues, we had EcoDivers from the local community groups, Banggi Corals Conservation Society and Kudat Turtle Conservation Society. While conducting the survey, the team also removed two ghost nets from two different sites.

In December, our colleague Calvin represented RCM at the Darvel Bay Zoning Plan Workshop organised by Sabah Parks, where RCM contributes our annual survey data.

A diver conducting the Reef Check survey in Tun Mustapha Park

The team with one of the ghost nets removed during the survey


In October, a 10-day physical training on MARS Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS) was conducted in Selakan Island. This was a continuation to the online series of training on MARRS methods, delivered by MARS trainers from Indonesia. 7 participants successfully completed the training, and will undergo a final competency evaluation before being certified as a MARS trained personnel. Certified MARS trainers will be able to conduct coral restoration projects using the MARRS method in the future.

At the end the training, 290 MARS Reef Stars with 4,350 coral fragments were successfully deployed at the damaged reef of Selakan Island. We also witnessed the participation of the Selakan community from different backgrounds and ages, especially during the preparation which involved sand coating the Reef Star, tying the coral fragments and deploying the Reef Star to the selected sites. Additionally, the training also included coral awareness talk and social survey training to obtain the perception of the local community on coral restoration efforts in Selakan.

Coral tying process

Deployment of the reef stars

Our colleagues have also been organising training courses for several stakeholders. An advanced open water (AOW) course and rescue diver course was conducted for 8 youths from Mabul, Larapan and Kulapuan Islands. The training was held as part of the IKI coral restoration programmes on these three islands, to provide deeper knowledge and skills necessary to help prevent diving accidents, recognize life threatening diving situations, perform or supervise in-water rescues, manage rescue operations and provide post-rescue aid.

In December, trainers from RCM, Reef Guardian and Kudat conducted an EcoDiver training course for 8 Selakan Youth and 2 Sabah Parks staff. The 3-day training consists of theoretical and practical sessions, as well as written assessments.

Underwater navigation skill during the Rescue Diver course Water course

EcoDiver instructor conducting pointy dives with a student

Our RCM colleagues, in collaboration with Sabah Parks, organised a 3-day Sabah Reef Resilience Workshop in Semporna, which was attended by 22 participants from different agencies and organisations. During the workshop which was conducted by Alvin, an experienced trainer from RCM, we focused on the importance of reef resilience, survey specifications and methodologies based on refined indicators adopted from NOAA. Participants also had the opportunity to visit Selakan Island, to learn and familiarise themselves with the methods and underwater indicators, supervised by a trainer. To end the workshop, participants conducted reef resilience assessments at two sites within Tun Sakaran Marine Parks as part of the survey training. 

Following the Reef Resilience Workshop and EcoDiver Training, the divers from the Selakan Marine Conservation Group, along with RCM’s team from Tioman and Kota Kinabalu, and several divers from local island conservation group conducted reef resilience surveys in Tun Sakaran Marine Park. A total of 15 reef sites with two depths were assessed within the park, using methods and underwater indicators learnt during the workshop.

Theory class sessions

RCM trainer demonstration the survey method

Our colleagues have also been conducting several Coral Restoration Training sessions, which have been a pivotal part of Reef Check Malaysia's community empowerment project. This was made possible through the generous support of our primary funders, the IKI Small Grant Programmes, and the collaborative efforts of community-based organizations in Semporna. One of our final sessions of this community-based coral restoration project was with the youth from Kulapuan, Larapan, and Mabul.

Our primary objective was to introduce at least four coral restoration methods on their respective islands, guiding the youths as they learn about coral nurseries and concrete blocks (bottle reef/rebar) methods. The youth successfully completed all training sessions, affixing 621 "coral cookies" on the Coral Culture Table, and tying 30 additional fragments to the concrete block (bottle reef/rebar). Looking ahead to the next year, each team is poised to expand their coral restoration efforts on their respective islands, applying the knowledge gained from this year's training session.

In our recent discussions, we delved into the long-term vision for community organization and explored sustainable financing mechanisms, particularly through the innovative Semporna Coral Adoption Programme. This forward-thinking approach aims to ensure the continued success of coral rehabilitation efforts, fostering a self-sustaining model that empowers local communities.

Concrete block with glass bottles and rebar, with coral fragments on them

Coral cookies

Local youths at the coral restoration site

Planning for coral restoration project on their islands

Cintai Mersing: October - December 2023

Just like a colleagues on TIoman, our Mersing team has also removed a whopping 466kg of ghost nets from the reefs around Sibu, Tengah, Aur and Pemanggil Islands. This was carried out in a series of joint efforts with Johor’s Department of Fisheries (DoF), Johor National Parks, Tengah Island Conservation (TIC), and the Mersing local community.  Additionally, 375 Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTs) were also removed from two these reef areas, culled using the vinegar injection method. Regular control measures conducted by the team have managed to inhibit the overpopulation of COTs which could then damage the nearby coral reefs.

RCM team removing a ghost net at Pulau Aur

TIC diver injecting vinegar on COTs

We’re also excited to welcome two more key stakeholders (a local community member and a tourism operator) as EcoDivers! To date, there are five certified EcoDivers among the Mersing communities, who are now equipped with knowledge and skills in the Reef Check coral reef survey method. Now we can look forward to having more local community members participate in our annual reef survey in the Mersing islands in 2024.

Two newly certified EcoDivers (centre) with RCM trainers

EcoDiver participants during the survey training

Our Mersing colleagues had the privilege of organising a two-day one-night marine conservation and environmental awareness programme with 17 local youths, between the ages of 15 and 18. The programme was conducted in collaboration with the Mersing District Council and YSEALI Council of Malaysia (YCOM), also supported by the Mersing District Office, TIC, Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiatives (YSEALI), and the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Participants engaged in indoor activities, such as role-play activities and group discussions, as well as field tours to explore the various marine ecosystems in the Mersing islands. This programme is aimed to educate and advocate on the importance of Mersing’s marine ecosystems, give a glimpse of the responsibility of local stakeholders in integrating sustainability agendas into local development plans, as well as highlight the ongoing conservation efforts to protect vulnerable marine species, such as marine turtles.

Group discussions among the students

Field trip and snorkelling activity

Aside from working with school students, we also organised a workshop for various government agencies, local organisations, and tourism operators in Mersing to deliberate matters on tourism stakeholders’ participation in marine conservation initiatives. During the course of the workshop, we updated the participants on RCM’s sustainable tourism programmmes, the GreenFins for dive operators, Eco-Friendly Snorkelling Guide training for snorkel guides and boat operators, and the Green Hotel assessment for local chalet or resort operators.

At the end of the workshop, a majority of participants agreed that local tourism operators and organisations should work together towards a common goal of protecting the island's coral reef. Premised on that goal, they have volunteered to share resources in support of the initiatives. Our aim is to encourage more participation in these programmes from among local tourism operators, and that they will embrace environmentally friendly practices in their businesses, and subsequently promote sustainable marine tourism in Mersing.

Group photo with participants during the workshop

Representatives of different stakeholder groups engaging in group discussions

Cintai Tioman: October - December 2023

In the last 3 months of 2023, our colleagues successfully removed ghost nets from the coral reefs at Bahara Island, with a weight of 300kg. Throughout 2023, we’ve received numerous complaints  regarding these nets entangled in the reefs of Tioman. The total weight of the nets we’ve retrieved from the sea in 2023 is 6,191 kg. The cleanup of these ghost nets are usually carried out in collaboration with TMCG members, local villagers, and scuba diving shops.

Besides clearing ghost nets, our team has also been carrying out Crown of Thorns (COTs) population monitoring and control activities in Air Batang and Teluk Tedau together with TMCG members and Tioman residents. A total of 1, 498 animals were euthanized in 2023. This is done to ensure the reefs of Tioman do not suffer due to the predatory nature of COTs.

Divers removing ghost nets stuck to reefs

Divers removing ghost nets stuck to reefs

Injecting COTs to before removing them from reefs

Our team also carried out 4 environmental awareness programs in schools on Tioman, bringing the total number of awareness programs conducted throughout the year to 14. The sessions encompassed indoor learning and visits to various habitats and ecosystems. Our Tioman colleagues also had the pleasure of sharing about the work we do to a group of students from the International School Kuala Lumpur (ISKL). The students were brought for a visit to Rumah Hijau, and helped with the recycling of glass bottles to build reef rehabilitation structures. They also had the opportunity to carry out a beach cleaning activity and make batik designs with a local batik maker.

Group photo with students involved in the environmental awareness programme on Tioman

ISKL students helping with glass recycling efforts

Wrapping Up 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024

Reflections on COP 28

COP 28 did reach an agreement – which seemed unlikely just 2-3 days ago! Is it strong enough to push the urgent changes needed to restrict global heating to the 1.5oC scientists tell us is necessary?

That remains to be seen.

But at least a stronger link between climate change and biodiversity is finally being acknowledged. We hope to see increased efforts to conserve ecosystems that are critical for the well-being of coastal communities – not to mention national food security, coastal zone protection, jobs in tourism – all these things we take more or less for granted.

Thanks, coral reefs…

A Review of 2023

All of which provides a nice backdrop for a quick round-off of 2023 and a peek at what might await us in 2024.

2023 has been a very interesting year for RCM. On Tioman, our amazing Tioman Marine Conservation Group continues to protect reefs around the island. Eighty villagers have established teams in all seven villages and are conducting regular conservation programmes.

TMCG members helping with the installation of a mooring buoy

Any review of 2023 has to include mention of the successful campaign to oppose the development of a new airport on Tioman, thanks to support from many quarters! And that has created an opportunity to start a conversation about what sort of tourism we want, what is sustainable and what is appropriate for the local situation.

This is a topic we come back to time and time again.

Tioman Islander’s Position on Tourism

Tioman islanders do support tourism – but they also express strong views that enough is enough, and they don’t want to see more – the airport would potentially have increased visitor numbers four-fold!!! It’s a conversation we are having more and more in other areas, where local communities are starting to understand the negative side of ever-growing visitor numbers.

Perhaps it’s time for a review of tourism strategy in Malaysia?

We have developed stronger programmes on Redang island, in Mersing and in the Semporna islands. In each location, we work with local communities to address marine conservation issues. In Redang, we are replicating the success of the Tioman Marine Conservation Group, and there is already a lot of interest from local villagers.

RMCG members cleaning up ghost nets

In Semporna, we are working on a number of islands, helping local communities look at waste management issues and marine resource conservation. We are also working with the State government on a large coral reef rehabilitation trial, and preparing management plans for 12 islands that could pave the way for better protection of marine resources in the area.

Coral maintenance of 250 reef stars that has been deployed in Tun Sakaran Marine Park

So, our programmes go from strength to strength, and the team continues to do an amazing job!

But what awaits us in 2024?

Unfortunately, we are likely to start the year on a negative note. All the signs are that we will have a significant bleaching event early in 2024.

The recent switch in the El Nino/La Nina weather patterns in the Pacific is likely to cause increased water temperatures in Malaysian waters, which could lead to widespread coral bleaching. Even now, our colleagues in Sabah are reporting warmer water than usual. That is something to watch out for early in the New Year.

All of which makes it even more important that we continue to implement projects that protect reefs and build resilience.

The Global Biodiversity Framework Targets

The Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at COP 15 (no, the other one!!) in Montreal last December provides us with a great roadmap, and we are focusing on several targets:

Target 3 – the 30x30 target, which talks about increasing the area of marine resources under management…and the second bit everyone forgets about – improving the management of existing MPAs.

(On a side note, I am working with colleagues in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines…and during a conversation this week, we came to the conclusion that each country faces the same challenges with its MPAs – lack of funding, lack of management capacity and insufficient participation by local communities. (It’s nice to know we are not alone!)

Target 7 – reducing pollution to levels that are not harmful to biodiversity; specific emphasis on sewage pollution in coastal areas.

Target 8 – minimising the impact of climate change on biodiversity and increasing resilience.

Target 19 – increase funding for biodiversity conservation, including blended finance and private sector funding.

Target 22 – ensure representation by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in decisions relating to protected areas.

We will be using these targets as a guideline to both improve our existing programmes and to develop new programmes.

I am particularly excited by the opportunities that are emerging from new biodiversity financing schemes, including biodiversity and nature credit initiatives. We have been following these closely this year, and will continue to do so next year. If successful, these initiatives could unlock long-term funding for our programmes, and I hope to make substantial progress in this area during 2024 – watch this space!

So that’s it from us in 2023. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and see you back here in January 2024!

Working towards a healthy and thriving reefs

Cintai Redang: July - September 2023

Ever since we began the Redang Marine Conservation Group (RMCG) to replicate the efforts and success of the Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG), the members of RMCG have been carrying out activities on the island while also attending courses to gain new skills that will help them in their daily tasks.

Knowledge sharing programme that RMCG participated in

In the last quarter, they participated in the Pre-Hospital Care & Basic Life Support Service Readiness programme organised by the Terengganu State Health Department. The skills acquired by RMCG in this program can help their level of response when facing emergency situations on the island.

RMCG learning first aid skill

RMCG learning the CPR technique

The RMCG members also had the opportunity to be involved in a knowledge-sharing session with an expert from the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Dr James Tan and with other volunteer divers. The whole team then deployed 30 coral blocks for their coral restoration work.

Coral blocks that have been placed

We thank the organiser for extending an invitation to us and RMCG and for putting in the work to restore our coral reefs. Our team and RMCG will actively monitor and conduct maintenance work on these coral block, while recording growth data on a monthly basis. This is done to ensure the best possible growth of the corals.

RMCG members had the opportunity to participate in a knowledge sharing session

The team, along with RMCG members, have conducted Reef Check surveys in Pulau Tenggol, Pulau Redang and Pulau Bidong & Yu.

At Pulau Tenggol, 6 locations were surveyed with the help of 6 volunteers, including RMCG members, Dungun Escapade Resort and our EcoDivers.

In Pulau Redang itself, RMCG members with EcoDiver volunteers surveyed 12 sites to check the health of the coral reef in the area, with help and support from the Department of Fisheries (DoF).

Reef Check survey at Pulau Tenggol

Reef Check survey with RCM’s ambassadors

Cintai Tioman: July - September 2023

A diver replanting corals on reusable glass bottles

In the third quarter of this year, our team on Tioman received several conservation volunteers from various sponsors and organisations, among which were Ambank Group, Ministry of Higher Education, SC Johnson & Sons (M) Sdn Bhd, Etika Sdn Bhd, KOSE, MIX FM & MY FM, and Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia.

Our colleague organised several activities, such as replanting of corals using reusable glass bottles. Approximately 700 corals were saved through this activity. Beach clean-up activities were conducted at Monkey Bay and Benut Bay, where 220kg of rubbish and 700kg of ghost nets were collected.

Volunteers preparing coral block

Ghost nets continue to “haunt” the waters of Tioman, as 1,266kg of these nets were removed from waters around Teluk Tedau, Teluk Bakau dan Teluk Nipah.

These discarded ghost nets found floating in the sea will entangle marine animals, causing them to eventually die from drowning, besides potentially cause damage to healthy coral reefs. 

The removal of these nets were done together by members of the TMCG, local villagers and SCUBA Dive shops on the island.

A diver removing a ghost net caught on reefs

A few divers carrying the ghost nets collected, to dispose them

Our education programme with the students on the island continues, as our team visited two schools in the past quarter, talking about coral reefs, coastal ecosystems, and bats, which are a part of the ecosystem on Tioman.

Our colleagues also visited a few SCUBA Dive shops to conduct the Green Fins evaluation.

Green Fins members agreed to adhere to a 15-point Code of Conduct to reduce the negative impacts of divers and the diving industry on the marine environment. For more information, please visit

Education and awareness programme in school

Green Fins evaluation with a dive shop on the island

In July, the Reef Check surveys were successfully completed in 18 sites around Tioman Island, with assistance from the Department of Fisheries on Tioman Island, volunteer EcoDivers and TMCG members.

Based on the surveys this year, it has been recorded that the reefs around Tioman are dominated by live coral cover - most of them being hard corals. These reef builders were recorded at 60.76% coverage, showing that the reefs around Tioman are healthy.

An EcoDiver conducting one of the surveys around Tioman

Our colleagues on the island were also campaigning against the proposed construction of the new airport on the island.

In July and August, they conducted meetings with the local villagers of Genting and Paya to explain to them the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report. The villagers were constantly kept up to date with any progress, until the decision to cancel this construction was announced by the government.

Meeting with the local villagers regarding the airport proposal

Villagers of Kg Genting and Paya, Tioman Island celebrating the decision

Cintai Kepulauan Mersing: July - September 2023

In the past quarter, our team has successfully completed the Reef Check surveys around the Mersing Islands for 2023.

A total of 36 sites were surveyed, with the help and support of the Johor’s Department of Fisheries (DoF), as well as the local island communities and organisations.

Reef Check surveys in the Mersing Islands are complete

Three representatives of the Pulau Besar community have recently been trained and certified as “EcoDivers”.

During the training, they familiarised themselves with monitoring methods and indicators, including targeted fish species, invertebrates, and coral cover.

This training programme is part of Reef Check Malaysia's (RCM) ongoing initiative to equip island communities with the relevant skills to actively participate in marine conservation efforts in the Mersing islands.

Practical dive exercise led by an RCM diver

Pulau Besar community that is trained to be EcoDivers

Following our recent meeting with the Pulau Tinggi villagers, 20 households agreed to participate in a community recycling programme and manage their recyclables on a rotation basis beginning next month.

56 recycling bins were constructed with the help of the island community themselves. These bins will be used to collect household recyclables (primarily tin, glass, and plastic materials).

The Pulau Tinggi islanders showed great interest in this programme, inspired by the success of the recycling initiative in Pulau Sibu. A recycling centre was opened in Pulau Sibu in August last year, and today, it is equipped with a baler machine.

Islanders preparing the bins

We conducted a workshop on the stranding and necropsy of turtles and marine mammals, held at Pulau Sibu and Pulau Tinggi.

This programme was done in collaboration with Johor’s DoF, Rantau Abang Fisheries Research Institute and The MareCet Research Organization.

Members of the authorities in Mersing from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Marine Police and Malaysia Civil Defence Force, together with Tengah Island Conservation, participated in the programme.

Participants of the workshop at Pulau Tinggi

The workshop covered theoretical knowledge about the various turtle species and marine mammals found in Malaysian waters, as well as practical exercises. Participants engaged in a stranding simulation to learn the necessary responses when a stranding incident occurs. Additionally, participants took part in a necropsy exercise involving a post-mortem examination of turtles to determine their causes of death.

Participants prepare to conduct post-mortem examination

East Malaysia Happenings: July - September 2023

Kota Kinabalu

In July, RCM conducted a 3rd waste management workshop with the participants of the pilot waste management in Kg. Baru-Baru, sponsored by Coca Cola.

The program presented the achievements throughout the 3-month trial period and also addresses the challenges moving forward through a two-way discussion with the participants. All of them showed high intentions on continuing the program to make their village a better place.

Our Sabah team also conducted a workshop with the youths from Kg. Panji, Kg. Puyut and Kg Air, Lahad Datu, to teach them about proper trash disposal methods and also how to creatively upscale used materials into a profitable or usable product. This workshop was organised by Kelab Belia Tinagayan and was part of the program “Komuniti Hijau Kitar Semula Lahad Datu”.

Youths showing their creative side during the workshop in Lahad Datu

Our colleague, Nadhirah, speaking at the workshop in Kg. Baru Baru

At the end of August, our colleagues in Sabah presented their findings from the Darvel Bay Expedition, which was conducted in October 2022. The seminar was joined by other governmental and NGO organisations such as Sabah Parks, WWF, and UCSF. The findings from the seminar will be used as baseline data for the management of Darvel Bay moving forward when it is gazetted into a marine park.

Nadhirah, presenting the findings on behalf of RCM

Cintai Mantanani

The waste management programme introduced a couple of years ago continues to show great progress and is helping the locals deal with the issue of trash on the island.

In September, a total of 1412.9kg of trash collected since July 2023 was transported out of the island and sent to the landfill in Kayu Madang. We’re still seeking better solutions in the long run with regard to the transportation of trash out of the island and its costs.

This includes working with local authorities and the state government. We’d love to hear from you on any suggestions you may have to offer to help us solve this issue!

Bags of trash, ready to be transported out of the island

Our Cintai Mantanani team was also busy completing an order of 400 magnets, made by Coca-Cola, who are one of our sponsors. These magnets are made from recycled plastic bottle caps which are melted and moulded into the desired shape.

The magnets that are made from melted plastic bottle caps

In 2022, we completed a two-year project called “Establishing Community-Based Eco-Tourism in Mantanani”, funded by GEF SGP UNDP Malaysia.

One of the program components is the Homestays Improvement Program, whereby the Homestay operators are taught to improve their quality and services. The project has paid off quite well, as the earnings of these homestays have increased every year, with the amount earned thus far in 2023 being more than half of the earnings just two years ago in 2021.


Our Sabahan colleagues have been conducting and attending several trainings in this past quarter. Some of them include:

An EcoDiver training was conducted at Mabul Island involving 11 youths from Mabul and four EcoDiver trainers. The training is part of the Marine Conservation Dive Training, a youth empowerment project by Reef Check Malaysia, funded by the CIMB Foundation.

Participants during the EcoDiver training

A coral bleaching monitoring training for youths in Mabul and Larapan, also part of the Marine Conservation Dive Training funded by CIMB Foundation.

The training involved 15 youths from the Mabul and Larapan communities and 4 RCM trainers. The training used the standardized method of Reef Check Survey using line transect and photo quadrat to estimate bleaching in coral reef colonies and population.

Practical session during the bleaching monitoring training

A first-ever workshop on gender equality was conducted in partnership with the Society for Equality, Respect and Trust for All Sabah (SERATA) and Green Semporna.

50 youths from Mabul, Kulapuan and Larapan Islands joined the workshop

The workshop was participated by 50 youths from Mabul, Kulapuan and Larapan Islands who engaged in empowering sessions on tackling gender stereotypes and addressing inclusive gender participation in marine conservation efforts.

The program was also participated by women from Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG), who shared their experiences working in marine conservation work in Tioman Island.

The program is part of the ongoing marine conservation empowerment activities funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) Small Grants.

The first ever workshop on gender equality

RCM staff participated in a series of online trainings on Reef Star Welding. These MARRS Reef Star frames that are to be used for the project has to be made by trained welders.

These local welders were taught about the suitable materials used for the frames, the angle of the steel and all other requirements for the frames to be used.

The next training was to introduce the items and equipment that will be used for the coral restoration project, from the preparation process and site assessment until the deployment of the MARRS Reef Stars.

The third training in this series was on site selection, while the fourth focused on MARRS coral restoration techniques.

Training in progress for MARSS restoration technique

Our colleagues have also been working with local schools in Semporna, conducting education and awareness programmes among primary and secondary students.

The main topic focused on was plastic pollution, which is an issue around Semporna. SC Johnson funds this education programme, and we also had representatives from Green Semporna join us on a few of these activities. In total, our team visited 4 schools in the last quarter.

Our colleague in action during a school awareness programme

Is Malaysia Becoming A Mass Tourism Destination?

Overcrowded islands are going to downgrade the tourist experience.

First it was Tioman and the proposal for a new airport. Then there were rumblings about extending the airport at Redang…then we heard about two new resorts at Perhentian Island…and the latest – a proposal for a seaplane facility on Perhentian.

What on earth is going on?

In case I really need to say it again: RCM has never been against development.

We understand that tourism is an important part of the economy. We understand that tourism is important for jobs, particularly local communities in remote areas.

But this upsurge in development proposals post-covid is becoming a concern. I have written separately about my recent experience on Tioman, seeing so many tourists arriving in a small village. If nothing else, the islands are becoming overcrowded; that’s going to downgrade the tourist’s experience. And maybe they won’t come back – and worse, there’s a risk they will tell others of their poor experience.

Picture of overcrowded jetty taken by our team on Tioman island.

And what about that promise of jobs for islanders?

One resort I visited has restaurants, shops, bars, and water sports…tourists don’t need to leave the resort to find these services - which the villagers used to provide. Now, they are being provided in-house. Often by staff brought in from outside.

The locals are now either jobless or having to work for those big resorts…no longer their own bosses, no longer running a family enterprise, no longer in control.

Someone else has come to their island and displaced them.

If Malaysia wants to be a mass-market destination, so be it.

If that is the decision, we respect that. But a decision like that should be very deliberate, it should be carefully thought out – not an accident caused by a lack of controls over resort development and growing tourist numbers.

Are over-crowded beaches and tourism sites what we want?

MOTAC and Tourism Malaysia might be pleased to see increasing visitor numbers. But are the islanders? Are the local communities? And what about the impact of all those visitors on ecosystems? 

Covid provided an opportunity to take another look at tourism, and to ask ourselves: “Who is tourism for?”

It is looking increasingly like it isn’t for local communities who find themselves besieged by huge numbers of tourists. As the islanders on Tioman told us during our consultations on the proposed airport – “enough is enough”.

Is this the direction in which Malaysia wants its tourism to go?

Over-crowded beaches and tourism sites, more and more resort development (“container resorts”, I kid you not – resorts built out of old shipping containers), local islanders left behind by full-service resorts?

Or should we re-visit that post-covid conversation and explore other opportunities – lower volume, higher value tourism that looks for pristine, quiet, peaceful, authentic experiences – which, I have said before, we have plenty of...for now.

Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Target 22

Local communities should be involved in decisions on the management of natural resources that may affect their livelihoods

After a busy few months focusing on a proposed airport development on Tioman Island, it’s appropriate to return to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to look at some of the Targets that inform our work.

Target 22 is particularly relevant.

IPLCs role is increasingly recognised

One of the most important developments coming out of the Kunming-Montreal treaty negotiations – and one which was demonstrably important in the Tioman campaign – was the growing acknowledgement of the important role played by Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs) in biodiversity conservation.

Target 22 of the GBF reads:

“Ensure the full, equitable, inclusive, effective and gender-responsive representation and participation in decision-making, and access to justice and information related to biodiversity by indigenous peoples and local communities, respecting their cultures and their rights over lands, territories, resources, and traditional knowledge, as well as by women and girls, children and youth, and persons with disabilities and ensure the full protection of environmental human rights defenders.”

In simpler language, local communities should be involved in decisions on the management of natural resources that may affect their livelihoods. In practice, what this means is that they should have a voice in the management of protected areas.

Real-life example

We were recently involved in a collaborative effort to lobby against a proposed airport development at Tioman Island. That effort demonstrates just how important it is to have systems in place that ensure local communities are involved in decision-making, particularly on issues that affect their futures.

Once we started working on the airport campaign, it quickly became clear that many people in the local communities affected had little or no knowledge about the proposed project. This is a project that would have essentially closed down two communities that rely on tourism; over 20 resorts and 400 people would have been affected.

In the context of Target 22, we have to ask: Were local communities consulted about the proposed development?

Apparently, yes.

But was this the sort of “full, equitable, inclusive effective and gender-responsive representation and participation in decision-making” that Target 22 envisages?

It seems not.

Their vocal opposition to the development, once they were fully informed as Target 22 stipulated, was critical in persuading the planning authorities, and eventually the government, to abandon the plan.

Our team held a community engagement session to explain the EIA of the proposal for the new Tioman Airport.

Link to policy

The idea of involving local communities in decision-making on natural resources management is incorporated into several relevant policies and agreements in Malaysia.

On a national level, the National Policy on Biological Diversity speaks about strengthening the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in biodiversity conservation. The 12th Malaysia Plan refers to “imperatives for reform and transformation”.

In addition, Malaysia has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which specifically mention inclusivity in Target 16.6 (develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels) and Target 16.7 (ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels).

Despite this, progress still needs to be made to ensure the full and informed participation of IPLCs in decision-making on marine resource management. Two challenges in particular need to be addressed: structures and functions.

Structures and functions

One of the key challenges is simply the lack of appropriate bodies for IPLCs to join. Management of marine resources in Malaysia is centralised, and there is no institution that provides a “place at the table” for IPLCs.

The Marine Parks Advisory Council includes members from various government agencies, from State governments and from selected NGOs. But no membership for local communities.

On the ground, the Marine Park centres on the islands are managed and operated by Marine Park staff; there is no local consultative body. Previously, a Community Consultative Committee was proposed but never operationalised.

At the other end of the spectrum is the tendency of bureaucratic institutions to gather functions to themselves rather than to delegate those activities to others.

This is not restricted to Malaysia, but it does represent a considerable barrier to greater participation of IPLCs in decision-making. This is why it is our practice to conduct consultations when developing new projects, to learn what communities need and to understand what outcomes we are seeking. This has implications for project plans and budgets.

Community consultation was done to improve our conservation initiatives in Mersing

Reef Care – a way forward

And this is why we are so excited to be a strategic partner of the Department of Fisheries in the Reef Care programme. Because Reef Care overcomes both the above challenges at the same time:

  • In establishing the Reef Care programme, the DoF has addressed the lack of an appropriate institution for local community representation. The community groups that we support on several islands are the communities participating in management and decision-making.

  • At the same time, Reef Care gives the community partner some responsibility for coral reef conservation, taking on some of the duties and responsibilities of the managing agency. So, the DoF has, in fact, divested itself of some responsibilities.

The Tioman Marine Conservation Group (TMCG) is pointing the way. Over 80 members of the local community are participating in coral conservation programmes, from removing ghost nets to coral rehabilitation and annual monitoring surveys. You can read the TMCG 2022 report here.

We have recently established a similar group on Redang Island, the RMCG, and we are working in two other locations in Peninsular Malaysia and in the south of Sabah on similar programmes. You can read the Q1/Q2 Cintai Redang Newsletter here.

In each location, we build capacity among the local community in marine resource management; funding from donors and corporate partners allows us to pay operating costs as well as allowances to local community members when they participate in programmes so that we can incentivise their participation.

RMCG members consist of Redang islanders who we train to do conservation work with us

Thus, Reef Care is providing an opportunity to actually implement policy in real life, contributing not only to national policy but also to the SDGs and the GBF. We look forward to rolling out the programme in other areas and to ensuring IPLCs are increasingly engaged in marine resource conservation.